Dealer Information
Advertising and Procedures
Ordering Procedures
Robin Builders prides itself on making every effort to make the ordering process easy and accurate. We have a very simple ordering procedure and have a professional staff waiting to assist you with your orders or any questions you may have on the Robin line of portable buildings. In most cases, we are able to process an order and have the building ready for dealer delivery or pick up within 7-10 working days.
Point of Sale Advertising
Robin Builders, Inc. will provide each dealer a 4x8 Robin Logo sign with up to 3 tag lines for display on their lot. This sign is provided at no cost to the dealer, but does remain the property of Robin Builders. Dealers may purchase additional signs at cost for display at high traffic spots or secondary lots.
Robin Builders provides each dealer an adequate supply of printed brochures. These brochures are for handouts to walk in traffic. For a large volume mailing, brochures and or flyers will be provided at cost.
Factory Deliveries and Pick Ups
Robin Builders will contact the dealers as soon as possible after the order is placed to schedule your delivery from the manufacturing plant. We strive to give the dealer as much notice as possible so the dealer and or end consumer can be prepared for acceptance.
When off loading a shipment of Robin Buildings, our driver will need your assistance in getting the buildings unloaded and situated on your lot. Usually, one man and a small piece of equipment (pickup truck, small tractor, forklift or winch) will be all that is needed. In the absence of equipment, the dealer will require more manpower as the average weight is approximately 18 pounds per square foot.
Dealers are also allowed to pick up completed buildings at our manufacturing facility.
Often a dealer sells an oversize building such as multi-module or 13' wides that are more efficiently delivered to the customer site directly by Robin delivery equipment. Robin Builders will gladly work closely with you to coordinate schedules, loading instructions and routes to ensure you that you will have a satisfied customer. However, Robin Builders will not deliver a customer site building to another dealer's territory. As an independent dealer, the dealer may sell and deliver to any area they see fit.
Delivery and Set Up
There are many proper procedures to handling a Robin Building, limited only by your imagination and ingenuity. Personnel for delivery varies. Most deliveries can usually be made by one person with the proper knowledge and equipment. Sometimes an additional person or specialized equipment (such as crane or wrecker) may be utilized to assist in a more complicated delivery.
Some dealers do get by with a lot less. In fact, some dealers get by with nothing at all... they contract the deliveries and set up to an independent contractor. In just about every community, there is someone with the necessary equipment and know how to do the deliveries for you.
Guarantee of Excellence
All Robin buildings are engineered from top quality materials chosen for strength and durability. Each building is protected against termites, vermin, rain, and moisture.
Only Robin can offer this amazing warranty.